Perhaps “versus” is the wrong term to use here, because Christmas and
Marriage are not usually thought of in relationship with Christmas. Contrasting
the two, certainly we don’t compare marriage to Christmas, but what is
Christmas? Isn’t it the celebration of Christ’s incarnation? The God of Heaven
taking on human form, walking the earth and dying as a sacrifice for the sins
of mankind? Christ came to earth to give His life for us. Christmas is
about giving – Christ demonstrated love by giving His life. We also are
to give, not just presents on Christmas day, but we are to emulate Christ and
give of our selves throughout the year – throughout life.
The next question; what is marriage? The joining of a man and woman in
the most intimate relationship possible on earth; it is a giving of oneself
to another person completely. Ephesians 5 tells husbands to love their wives as
Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Wives are to win their
husbands without a word – giving of themselves to their husbands. 1
Corinthians 7 also speaks of husbands and wives giving of themselves to
each other – not withholding physically. So marriage is similar to Christmas in
that it is to be about giving. Kenn Kington says it well; “Success in
life is not in what we get, it is in what we give. Things we obtain, power we
possess, fame we achieve will never fill that lasting need we can only find in
giving.” To succeed in life and in marriage, we must be givers.
Give of yourself, not only at
Christmas, but throughout the year. Be known as a giver; one who gives of
himself to others – especially to your spouse, but also to all those you come
in contact with. Be a light in this dark, hateful world; love God and love
others – give.