It is necessary to take steps to protect your marriage. We are dealing with several couples working through the sin of infidelity at different levels right now and it is difficult! It is not worth the pain you experience to go through the devastation of infidelity. Too many people say, ‘Oh, it could never happen to me – I would never commit adultery.’ We all are only a couple bad decisions away from making possibly the worst mistake of our lives. In today’s world of busy lives, disconnected spouses and abounding temptations, marriages must be protected.
During some research I discovered an article titled, The Science of Love which discussed how chemicals in the brain react to provide those “feelings” of love and bond humans together. The article reported a study in which a researcher asked people to: one, find a complete stranger; two, reveal intimate details about their lives to each other for thirty minutes; and three, then stare into each other’s eyes for four minutes without speaking. He found that many of these couples felt deeply attracted to each other after the 34 minute experiment. Two of his subjects later got married. Wow! In just 34 minutes, two complete strangers can become deeply attracted to each other! It is an amazing discovery.
There are three conclusions that come to mind regarding this research finding. First, a distant or distressed couple can positively change their relationship in 34 minutes. Second, 34 minutes can ruin a marriage and rip apart a family if the time is spent in the wrong place. Third, Christian singles and young people must be aware; spending time with non-Christians of the opposite gender is dangerous! The ‘we’re just friends,’ or ‘we’re just going on a date – not getting married’ argument does not work! In 34 minutes a bond can grow and either strengthen a godly relationship or lead you down the wrong path; we need to be on guard against falling into the trap of experiencing intimacy with the wrong person. Protect your marriage!