Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Multi-Tasking Myth

There is a myth in society today that is often perpetrated by marriage researchers and writers. That myth is that women multi-task and men don’t. Some men will argue that they can also multi-task, giving the example of working on the computer and talking to their wives – I used to believe that one; but too many instances of my wife pointing out evidence that I was not really listing to her proved that I truly was not multi-tasking. Oh yes, we can chew gum and walk at the same time – in fact we breathe while we are walking, talking and doing everything else, so that proves that we multi-task? That is not really multi-tasking and not what people are speaking of when they say they can multi-task. People think they can do two simultaneous complex activities at the same time. It simply is not true.
Have you ever seen a woman talking to a friend with her small child standing at her side, saying, “mom, mom, mom, mom…”? If the child cannot get her attention by calling her, often the child will resort to misbehavior to get his or her mom’s attention. The vast majority of us cannot carry on a meaningful conversation while conducting other activities and we need to stop trying the “multi-tasking” thing, especially when in conversation with spouse or children, and, in reality anyone. It is not respectful and not honoring of the people in our lives. I think if anyone could multi-task, it would be Jesus, but there is no evidence that He attempted to multi-task; when He spoke to someone, He gave His undivided attention to that person.. We need to do likewise; give our undivided attention to our spouse or our children when talking to them. We need to be fully in the moment; not texting, writing emails, watching TV, reading or anything else. Honoring a person by listening totally and completely is the right thing to do.