Friday, September 14, 2018

Rest: refresh oneself, or recover strength

     The Law commanded a Sabbath, a rest from work to refresh and recover strength for the coming week. Christians today tend to set aside the Sabbath as something from the Old Testament and not applicable to Christians. But realize that when Jesus said that “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27), He was not abolishing the Sabbath, but putting it in proper perspective. The religious leaders at the time took the Sabbath God has commanded and built a whole religious system around it. They weren’t concerned about people or the meaning of the Sabbath, they were concerned with their rules and regulations - their religiosity.
     Rest is important to our lives. It is interesting that the Bible records God resting after the Creation. Did God really need to rest? I am not a “theologian,” but I would think that an all powerful God did not need rest. He rested to provide an example for us. Our hectic lives and busyness too often gets in the way of rest and people are paying for that lack of rest with health problems and not being able to work to their fullest capacities.
     Rest is required in marriage also - not rest from the marriage, but rest together as a couple. Carmen and I are on a long overdue sabbatical, relaxing, enjoying each other, and refreshing ourselves in the Lord and in each other. We all
must stop and take some time for each other; stop the frenetic pace of life and just spend some time resting together. Pastor and author, Ted Cunningham wrote that we need a daily disconnect, a weekly withdrawal, and an annual abandonment. Spend a few minutes disconnected from the technology and stuff of life to connect with your spouse on a daily basis. Withdraw weekly to spend some time together; resting, dreaming, and again, connecting. Finally, annual abandon all of the rigors of life to spend a weekend, a week, or even more relaxing with your spouse. Fight against the natural drifting apart to remain connected and growing together. Take the time to rest - to refresh yourselves, and recover your strength so you can better meet the challenges of life - together.

Other information to check out:
     5 Benefits of a Day of Rest (For You and Your Marriage) –
     Ted Cunningham (Daily Delay, Weekly Withdrawal, Annual Abandonment)
      If Your Partner's in Bed, You Should Be, Too by Erin Leyba
Finding Rest Together: 5 Steps Toward Sabbath with Your Spouse by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott