Saturday, August 16, 2014

Financially Dependent Adult Children

There seems to be an epidemic of adult children depending on their parents to make it financially. Young men, perfectly able to work, playing computer games all night and sleeping all day while their parents support them. Or young women dependent on their parents because they continually make poor choices and often need to be bailed out.  There are many different expressions of this, but the bottom line is that adults today are too often dependent on their parents for financial survival and not responsible for themselves and dependent on God. It is a blight on our culture today.
Parents just cannot stand to see their children struggle or watch their grandchildren go without. Their children are not responsible and don’t have to grow up to take responsibility for their lives, because mom and dad are always available to make sure they can make it. We even hear some parents complain that their children don’t get it and not understand why their children continue to make poor choices. They don’t have to get it and don’t have to make good choices – it always gets fixed for them!
So here I am, the bad guy, telling parents to cut their children loose. Guess what folks? Sooner or later it will happen. You will die and your irresponsible children will burn through the inheritance you leave faster than your body can get cold, and then what will they do? Find someone else to take care of them? Depend on the government so the rest of us have to pay because you wouldn’t say no? I’m sorry to be blunt about this, but folks, responsible parenting means that we train our children to be responsible adults, dependent on God for their sustenance. It is not easy to say no to your children, but is never too late to being helping them learn to be responsible for themselves. Set healthy boundaries; don’t bail them out. Say no – it may save their lives.

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